
3PE anti-corrosion insulation steel pipe knowledge

In recent years, the demand for steel pipe insulation in various fields in China has increased, and the processing technology of steel pipe treatment plant is now relatively mature and perfect, and 3PE anticorrosive steel pipe is now not rusty

Therefore, 3PE steel pipes are often used as buried steel pipes, but 3PE anti-corrosion insulation steel pipes do some preparations before being buried, and today the pipeline manufacturer will take you to understand the preparation work of 3PE anti-corrosion insulation steel pipes before being buried.

Preparation before use

3PE anticorrosive insulation steel pipe in the laying before the first to clean up the surrounding regional environment, construction pay-off staff should join the cleaning work guidance staff, equipment operators to implement safety technology disclosure, in which there is less to have a line of staff to join the work belt cleaning work.

3PE anticorrosive steel pipe

Also check the 3PE anti-corrosion insulation steel pipe, crossing pile, underground building sign pile will move to the side of the abandoned soil, the ground, underground buildings will have been checked, and obtained the right to pass.

Usually, the area can use equipment to work, the application of bulldozer to clean up the dirt within the work belt can be cleaned, 3PE anti-corrosion insulation steel pipe through the ditch, ridge, slope and other obstacles in the case of finding a way to consider the traffic regulations of transportation and engineering equipment

The work belt of the project construction should be cleaned and leveled as far as possible, and if there are farmlands, peach trees, and plants around them, farmland and fruit trees should be avoided as much as possible

If it is desert, saline-alkali soil, some areas should be buried pipe should try to avoid destroying ground plants and undisturbed soil, to avoid and reduce soil erosion; According to the irrigation and drainage channels, the method of embedding culvert pipes and other water crossing facilities should be applied, so as not to prevent the agricultural industry from being impeded.

3PE anticorrosive steel pipe

3PE anti-corrosion insulation steel pipe insulation requirements

Some pipes need to be insulated while preventing corrosion. Oil is a mixture and corrodes easily. Therefore, anti-corrosion is necessary.

The anti-corrosion steel pipe makes the molten metal react with the iron base to form an alloy layer, and combines the substrate with the coating to remove the iron oxide on the surface of the steel pipe.

After pickling, it is cleaned with mixed aqueous solution of ammonium chloride and zinc chloride, and then sent to hot dip plating tank. Hot dip galvanizing has the advantages of uniform coating, strong adhesion and long service life.

Under normal circumstances, it can be used for 30 years, and the correct installation and use can also reduce the maintenance and repair costs of the pipe network. The anti-corrosion insulation steel pipe can also be equipped with an alarm system to automatically detect the leakage fault of the pipe network, accurately identify the fault location and automatically alarm.


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